NOTE: this document describes early OpenIsis proposals. For updated information please refer to Malete

The options record contains the complete metadata of a database. It uses tags in the range 800-899. If there is an .opt file for the Db, it contains a plaintext record of database options.
Else, from a new-style plaintext database, record 0 is used. However, only the options range 850-899 has persistent properties of a database; other options are stored in record 0 not or only as a hint.

Database options fall into several groups:
  • files and modes
  • tuning options
  • charset and collation
  • field definition
  • miscellaneous info
  • named views and index definition

files and modes

tag Cname name description
800 DNAME db short name of db
801 DTYPE format aligned, naligned or autoformat (default)
802 DRO ro if 1/0/absent, open read/write/as of file permissions
803 DPATH dbpath path to database
804 DDUMP internaldump (unused)
811 DFDT fdt path to (traditional) fdt
810 DENC encoding encoding (character set) of data

field definition

The compact field definition as described in Meta uses field 890.
tag C-name name description
890 FDEF fdef field definition

In a long form, each field, subfield, enum value or other field related information is representated as a record using tags in the range 860-879.

C-name is the name of the constant in C code (with prefix OPENISIS_), field is the corresponding field in the struct OpenIsisFd, name is the tags name as it can be used in Fdt-aware environments like Tcl.
tag C-name field name description
860 FDID id tag key: the tag described by this entry
861 FDSUB subf subfield key: the subfield described (or absent)
862 FDTYPE type type code for field type; see table below
863 FDREP rep repeatable whether field is repeatable (0/1)
864 FDNUMC slen numchilds number of subfields (redundant)
865 FDLEN len length max length or enum value
866 FDNAME name name tags identifier name; max 30
867 FDDESC desc description tags verbose name; max 30
868 FDPAT pat pattern pattern for field
869 FDDFLT dflt default default value
870 FDINFO info info embedded record with additional info
871 FDCHLD subs children embedded record for subfields (unused)

Tags used to define a database
tag C-name name description
880 FDT_LEN flen number of embedded FD records
881 FDT_FD fd embedded FD record with fields 860-879
882 FDT_REC frec embedded FDT header record with fields 850-852

For informational purposes, traditional FDT parameters are mapped.
tag Cnam description
850 DFMT worksheets from the FDT's W line
851 DPFT printformats from the FDT's F line
852 DFST field selection table from the FDT's S line

$Id: Options.txt,v 1.4 2004/06/10 12:52:29 kripke Exp $